The Maker's Playbook

Ep 614: The Aligned Potter with Elizabeth Schlatter

Season 6

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Many of us learn to accept the aches and pains of making as just part of the creative journey, assuming sore wrists and "potter's back" are inevitable companions to our craft. What if the physical discomfort of creating could be significantly reduced through simple awareness and intentional adjustments to how we work? Elizabeth Schlatter, creator of The Aligned Potter, draws on her experience to show how small changes—from joint inventory checks between tasks to understanding your unique body mechanics—can transform your making practice. Taking care of our bodies isn't just about preventing pain, but about creating a sustainable practice that allows us all to keep making what we love for decades to come.

Want to continue chatting with Elizabeth directly? The Community is the place to be! With over 100 makers from all over the world, The Community is where you can dive deeper into any of the topics we’ve started talking about here on the podcast, but especially this episode because Elizabeth is also a member of the Community herself! If you’ve been listening along and find yourself wishing for more at the end of an episode, The Community is that more. Learn about the additional perks of membership by visiting or send me a message and I can put you in touch with one of our members to get an insider’s perspective.

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